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Ollo Rewards MasterCard®
Consumer Reviews, Credit Score and Income Needed, Credit Limits

Picture of Ollo Rewards MasterCard® Credit Card
18 Reviews
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Credit Score: 670 Credit Limit: 2500 Age: 55-64
Approved 2 yrs after Bankruptcy
Income On Application: $92000
Posted 11/30 2020
Overall Rating: star ratingstar ratingstar ratingno star ratingno star rating
I have had the Ollo Platinum card for a few years now. I applied two years after BK with a credit score of about 670 at the time. I had actually already had a Barclays Reward, Cap 1 Platinum and QS cards so not a big deal when I got the Ollo with a $2,500 limit. My dilemma is that I just got a pre-approval for the Ollo Rewards card and wondering if I should apply. I don't want another card if it only has a credit limit less than $5,000. If I thought they would give me $10k or more I would go for it. My combined credit score is 722 now. I would prefer an AMEX but with the BK and the lower credit score I am pretty sure I would be rejected and don't want the hard inquiry. If anyone has any insight as to how much Ollo will give I would be interested in hearing.
Credit Score: 565 Credit Limit: 300 Age: 25-34
Approved Filed 5 mos ago was just discharged like 1.5 mos ago after Bankruptcy
Posted 01/10 2020
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I just applied and my card should be here within the next few days. I literally just finished filling for bk so i was shocked and grateful to be approved. I was applying for multiple SECURED cards before giving this a try and getting denied every time. I got approved right away, and I can start paying it completely off in full every month, and start building my credit back up thank goodness!!
Credit Score: 690 Credit Limit: 2000 Age: 35-44
Approved 5 years after Bankruptcy
Income On Application: $61500
Posted 07/09 2019
Overall Rating: no star ratingno star ratingno star ratingno star ratingno star rating
I was discharged several months early (March 2018 I was discharged but was supposed to go to July) from Chapter 13 because I sold my house to pay it off and pay down my student loans. I cheated a little in my bankruptcy and got a SECURED Rewards credit card in June 2018 through Suntrust to start rebuilding my credit. I walked out of bankruptcy with my scores at 680 and 701 which is really good with bankruptcy. It is now July 2018 and Suntrust called me and asked if I wanted to apply for the unsecured card because it had been more than one year and I figured why not because the only line of credit I had applied for since discharge was a new car but that’s expected.
Suntrust denied me!! One year of on time payments, never going over 20%, and well over $10k in my accounts and was still denied. The next day I was hesitant to try with anyone because bankruptcy is toxic but I tried Ollo. Rewards because I knew I was pre-approved for a regular card but I like rewards because I was got about $300 back from my secured card in one year with only a $500 limit (FYI I made multiple payments monthly as soon as they were there, I paid them).
Anyway, I applied for the Ollo rewards and was instantly approved $2,000. Granted I could say on my application I have over $10k in checking and savings so I’m not sure how much that helped. Plus my debt to income and card balances is around 6%. I have one other card I am an authorized buyer on from my ex husband for Victoria’s Secret. Yes he lets me use it still because it’s a 10+ year account and it’s probably the only good thing on his credit!
It’s hard to determine whether you will be approved or denied but I know I have been reading reviews for card for months before applying and was very unsure but overall I’m glad Suntrust denied me to give me the courage to apply at Ollo and get approved because I know my score will take a temporary small hit for hard inquiries. The score will drop for a bit but rebuild fast. Just keep in mind the inquires last 2 years so be cautious applying for multiple cards! And yes I have been researching credit for a while because of my bankruptcy
Credit Score: 636 Credit Limit: 1600 Age: 45-54
Approved 4.5 yrs after Bankruptcy
Income On Application: $198000
Posted 08/08 2018
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Card matched on Experian. Rebuilding credit. Applied. Approved.
Credit Score: 663 Credit Limit: 300 Age: 55-64
Approved 11 months after Bankruptcy
Income On Application: $75
Posted 06/13 2018
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I received the no annual fee rewards card. I thought $300 was pretty low for my score, as opposed to some others.
Credit Score: 975 Credit Limit: 2500 Age: 35-44
Income On Application: $75000
Posted 07/22 2017
Overall Rating: star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar rating
I was referred by Credit Karma and just applied-got approved for a $2500 limit, not bad. No annual fee with this card. I was not looking for anything special. Something to use on a trip for just for emergency's.
Credit Score: 650 Credit Limit: 500 Age: 65+
Income On Application: $35
Posted 05/24 2017
Overall Rating: star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingno star rating
This is for folks who don't have the greatest credit scores, but considering the $39 annual fee, and the high percentage rate, that is to be expected. Good thing is this is NOT one of those horrific companies that charge hundreds in fees just to apply, so from a consumer standpoint, for those with not the greatest credit scores, this not a bad basic credit card.
Credit Score: 663 Credit Limit: 1000 Age: 35-44
Posted 05/09 2017
Overall Rating: star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingno star rating
I have been rebuilding my credit for the last year and a half. My scores are in the mid 600s and I already have a Sears, Fingerhut and a Credit One. I got a mail with an invitation for the ollo and my first impression was that it has a low annual fee and rewards program (I am paying $75 on my credit one and it does have cash back as well @1%). I applied and was approved for $1000.
Credit Score: 574 Credit Limit: 0 Age: 25-34
Posted 05/05 2017
Overall Rating: star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingno star rating
I got the invite for 2 ollo cards. I have not pulled the trigger yet. My score is like around 574.

One of the cards has no annual fee. The highlights (at least to me) seems to be that they do away with a lot of fees like foreign transaction fees, late fees and over-the-limit fees.

The second offer is this card I think. $39 annual fee but 2% cash back on gas, supermarkets and drugstores.

This seems like the better deal. But I am waiting for more feedback before I pull the trigger.
Credit Score: 638 Credit Limit: 500 Age: 35-44
Posted 05/03 2017
Overall Rating: star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingno star rating
Most of my other rebuilder cards come with high fees. For example, my Credit One has a $75. But before that, I had continental finance and I had to pay an annual fee and monthly which came up to about $200 a year in fees. I have since canceled that. I do not mind paying $39 for the card and get cash back rewards. My Credit One also gives me cash back so that's two cards with rewards for me.
Credit Score: 674 Credit Limit: 1000 Age: 35-44
Posted 05/01 2017
Overall Rating: star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar rating
I am nearly there at 700 and decided to get this when I got the mailer. Looks pretty and I got a decent credit line too. My score is in the 675 area.

Others have tried to compare this card with the Blue Cash Everyday but I think it is an absolutely wrong comparison. The BCE is for those with great credit whereas this card (looking at the interest rate and my score) is clearly for rebuilders. The small annual fee is worth it for the rewards.
Credit Score: 653 Credit Limit: 0 Age: 35-44
Posted 04/29 2017
Overall Rating: star ratingstar ratingstar ratingno star ratingno star rating
I got the mai but decided against it. My score is a 653 from EX and I assume I should get approved. But I was not willing to pay the annual fee. I have the old barclaycard rewards mastercard which is pretty much the same card. I also have a sears and macys card (both no annual fee) and a cap one quicksilver rewards (the version with the annual fee). So right now, I am quite hesitant to get another card with an annual fee. I also got the invite for a Ollo platinum which has no annual fee. Might consider that one.
Credit Score: 615 Credit Limit: 0 Age: 25-34
Posted 04/25 2017
Overall Rating: star ratingstar ratingstar ratingno star ratingno star rating
I got the mail offer and here are the terms.

annual fee: $39 - not so good
APR: 24.9% - not good
foreign transaction fee - none - good
rewards; 2% on gas, supermarkets and drugstore - good.

while it looks ok, I don't understand why wouldn't you simply get the amex blue cash everyday with no annual fee and the same rewards?

I am not applying
Credit Score: 677 Credit Limit: 500 Age: 18-24
Posted 04/19 2017
Overall Rating: star ratingno star ratingno star ratingno star ratingno star rating
I am quite torn between this card and the cap one quicksilverone. I ended up applying for both at the same time and was approved for both!
Credit Score: 583 Credit Limit: 300 Age: 35-44
Posted 04/13 2017
Overall Rating: star ratingstar ratingstar ratingno star ratingno star rating
Prior to this, I started my rebuilding process 2 years ago with 2 secured cards. I then graduated to FP and Credit One. I am now looking for a real credit card without ridiculous fees. Since I have already had the First Premier (about to be canceled) and Credit One, I figured that Ollo wouldn't be so bdad. I applied and got approved for $300, which is really small.
Credit Score: 694 Credit Limit: 1000 Age: 35-44
Income On Application: $65000
Posted 04/09 2017
Overall Rating: star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingno star rating
This sure looks like it is going after capital one. I got the offer in the mail. EQ score was 694. I applied and got $1000 in limits.

I'll check in at a later date and report on my experiences after a few months of using the card.
Credit Score: 638 Credit Limit: 500 Age: 35-44
Posted 04/04 2017
Overall Rating: star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingno star rating
Got the invite, applied and was approved. I also have the quicksilverone. I will use these 2 cards for cash back. I think they are both a great combo.
Credit Score: 542 Credit Limit: 300 Age: 25-34
Posted 03/28 2017
Overall Rating: star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingno star rating
I was actually surprised to get the mail offer and the terms and more surprised that I actually got approved. The limit was small ($300). But not many cards offered to me earns rewards and has a very reasonable annual fee.

I already have a couple of store cards like macy's and sears and also a capital one card. Will probably go on gardening for a while.