Credit Cards By Category

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Many folks have been disappointed with the recent devaluation of the Hilton HHonors program. Much has been written about it. But in a nutshell, categories have been increased from 7 to 10 (which meant requiring more points for many but not all hotels). Points for exotic (or as the industry calls it – aspirational) hotels […]
As mentioned in previous posts, one of the more frequent question we get asked is what happens to credit card debt when one leaves a country? Will they be able to return and get a job again. Most of these questions come from expats who work at very international cities. Today, we will try to […]
One of the common emails and comments we get are from readers who find themselves wondering what will happen to debt if they move to another country. It isn’t always a plot to skirt responsibilities or rack up huge credit card balances with extravagant purchases and then flee the country. Sometimes there are legitimate reasons […]