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Posted 10/30 2018
My husband and I both have Chase Freedom card accounts and have for many years only because not all vendors take Discover especially overseas. This card is a JOKE. We originally had initial credit limits of over $10k each and then about 6 years ago out of nowhere, they send us both a letter for our respective accounts saying due to our debt ratio they decided to decrease our credit limit (and boy did they ever) - mine went down to about a $1300 and my husband $1800. What?? We always paid on time and in full every month and were both employed and have great credit scores. We both subsequently got an automatic increase a year or so ago to $2400 (on his account) and $3500 on mine. I wanted to do a balance transfer (I told them as much) and requested an increase to $7000.00 and have a credit score of 804. Denied!?? I may have to keep this card since we have had these the longest in terms of our credit history (along with our Discover) but as soon as I am able, I am paying off our car loan, paying off our current balances on these cards and will NEVER do business with Chase again!
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Posted 09/11 2018
Terrible. I had a card with them for 2500 limit, never missed a payment, never late. Their interest rate is astronomically high and then they lowered my limit without my approval and for no apparent reason. When I called, they said my credit has been previously increasted temporarily and brought back to the original credit limit. This of course made my debt to asset ratio very bad. I hate their customer service and they did nothing to help. I have since paid and closed the card. Big time crooks!
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Posted 12/05 2017
I only had a 10 month credit history when I applied for this card. I was approved for $3500. Unlike many here, I did not do it for the balance transfer but simply to get a no annual fee card from a well known credit card company. So far, this card is working out just fine. Oh - and also, I like it that I can see my fico score for free.
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Posted 11/21 2017
My score was in the low 700s when I applied for the card. I got a $5000 limit. I did my balance transfer and it took about 4-5 days to clear. I also realize that the payment takes about 3-4 days to clear. The BT offer works as advertised. There is no balance transfer fee if you transfer within 60 days. Most will do so during the application so that is not an issue.
I give this card a 3 star for the following reason. The auto pay can only be set to minimum payment or pay in full. For the purpose of my balance transfer, I want to pay it off after 15 months so wanted to divide the balance transfer by 15 so it will be fully paid off when the intro period ends. But this is not possible. So I had to set it to minimum payment and do manual payments myself. To be honest, this is really irritating.
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Posted 11/14 2017
I applied for this card with a score of slightly less than 600. I was surprised that I was approved. Even did a balance transfer. The credit limit was not large ($1500) but I was glad I was able to get a no annual fee card with my score. After I paid off the balance transfer, I realized that I did not earn any rewards or cash back with the card. I stopped using it and used my capital one quicksilver instead.
This card is good as a starter card or if you want to do a balance transfer. After that, it is basically useless and you should at least get yourself a cash back rewards card.
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Posted 10/03 2017
I have a chase freedom with $5000 limit. I wanted to do a balance transfer but decided to apply for a new card like Slate because there was no BT fee. I keep getting 0% offers from Freedom but I still have to pay the BT fee. I was shocked when I got only $500 limit only when Chase has me on $5000 for the Freedom card. I wasted a hard pull on this as I could have applied for another card from another issuer.
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Posted 08/22 2017
According to creditkarma, I had a "good chance of approval" for this card with my 680 CK score. I applied and was approved for $5000. After reading of some folks getting $500 limits or folks with 800 score getting $1500 limits, I was actually very happy with the outcome. I did not do any balance transfers at all. I am just using this card, paying in full and keeping my utilization at about 10% to 15%. As I build up a better score, I will tend get reward cards with higher limits.
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Posted 07/08 2017
I wanted to close out two old credit cards from a couple of credit unions cos I do not use them anymore. So I applied for the Chase Slate and requested a balance transfer in the application. I was not approval immediately and was told that I had to wait for 30 days. I honestly thought that I had been rejected. But I got an email 2 weeks later telling me I was approved and so was my balance transfer. I closed my 2 older credit cards once the BT went through.
So far, I have not had any encounter with customer service. The free FICO score is nice though.
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Posted 04/19 2017
I intended to do a balance transfer with Slate to partially pay down my student loans to save on interest. This is what I found out. If you do a balance transfer within 60 days, there is no balance transfer fee but they will not write you a balance transfer check. To pay down my student loan, I needed a balance transfer check and they will only do that after 90 days. But once 60 days have gone, you end up paying the 3% balance transfer fee which is the main reason for getting this card.
I still did the BT but after 90 days. And paid the 3% BT fee. If I had known this, I would have got other balance transfer cards which allows you to write a balance transfer check right away.
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Posted 03/14 2017
I am definitely a fan of this card. I got approved for $3000, transferred over $2500 and paid it off over 15 months. BT works as advertised. You also get your FICO score for free which is nice.
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Posted 01/03 2017
This card was an absolute waste of time for me. My credit score was about 746 (EQ) when I applied. All I got was a measly $4000 in credit lines. Most of my other cards are anywhere from $10,000 to $15,000. How am I supposed to do a decent balance transfer. They advertise their no balance transfer fee feature and then do not give you enough to do the transfer amount that you want.
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Posted 12/07 2016
I made use of 0% BT deals to pay down my student debt faster. The Chase Slate was one of the cards I have used. I got a $8000 limit which means I could transfer a balance of slightly less than that. My student loans were about 6% or so. So having 0% for 15 months saved me a couple of hundred bucks a month. I managed to pay off totally the BT amount after 15 months. I then moved to another card for another round of balance transfers.
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Posted 11/10 2016
I have a credit score of over 800. I wanted to get the Chase Slate because I intended to do a balance transfer of $5000. I got a $1000 limit. Can you believe it? Chase said I had many inquiries on my report. Well, I had many because I was shopping for an auto loan! And they cannot distinguish that. I'll never apply for a Chase card again.
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Posted 09/17 2016
This card is as advertised. 0% BT for 15 months with no balance transfer fee. I transferred $6000 over from another card and have saved my self a few hundred dollars in interest and fees.
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Posted 07/29 2016
My score was about 640 TU when I applied for this card. Prior to this, my credit took a hit because of a divorce and I was in the processing of rebuilding. I wanted to transfer $1000 from another higher interest card and was given $3500 as an initial credit limit. The balance transfer process was smooth. I saved on the usual 3% BT fee which was $30. My next target would be to get a Chase Freedom once I am done paying off the balance.
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Posted 07/02 2016
When I applied for the card, I put down $2000 for the amount that I wanted to transfer. I was given a $4000 limit (which was enough). Everything has gone on smoothly. I figured I saved about $60 from not paying any balance transfer fees. However, since I have paid down the BT, I find less use for the card. I am now looking for cards with rewards and using this as a spare.
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Posted 05/28 2016
I wanted to transfer $1800 from an old student credit card that I had. During the application process, they'll ask if you want to take advantage of their BT and how much you want to transfer. I put down $1800 and was actually given $3000 in limits. This came as a surprise to me considering my score is not exactly prime. I've set up my auto pay to automatically deduct a fixed amount from my bank account. It's been seven months and so far so good. I should pay this off when the intro period ends.
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Posted 03/16 2016
I got this card to do a balance transfer from my BOA card. I was approved for a total of $5000 in limits which meant I could transfer $4+k. I am not really too sure what to do with this card after the BT period expires. I still have more BT to do. Does anyone know if you will still get BT after having the card for a while? or is this just an intro thing?
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Posted 03/03 2016
With my credit score of 740 (EX), I thought that I would have gotten a higher credit limit. I have 2 other cards with $8k and $10k limits so this was a little disappointing. I did transfer a $3k balance (maybe that is why they gave me a lower limit).
It's been 8 months now but I think other than the balance transfer offer, I'm not too sure what is so great about this card. I am getting offers of 15 months 0% as well but this card waives the BT fee so that will save some money. I just applied for the Chase Freedom and got approved. I have since been using that to earn rewards and just paying down the BT on the slate.
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Posted 01/20 2016
I got this card because I wanted to transfer a balance from my BOA card. I got a $6000 limit and I transferred $5000 over. I managed to get 0% for 15 months without paying a balance transfer fee. There are many folks here and other forums that seem to have a problem with the BT, but I had no such problems. Yes, they do ask you how much you want to transfer during the application process and you may not get the limit that you want. I did fill in that I wanted $5000 and got a $6000 limit.
There are no rewards though and once I am done paying off the balance, I will probably use another card which has rewards.
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Posted 11/28 2015
I got this card for a balance transfer as well since there isn't any other card offering 0% for 15 months and with no balance transfer fee. They will ask you what amount you wish to transfer when you are actually applying and you may or may not get the amount you want. I got approved for close to the amount that I was looking for. My limit was $10,000 but you cannot use the full limit to do your BT. I think it's something like 95% or so. So far everything is working out well. Customer service is ok.
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Posted 10/10 2015
I got this card right after college. Unlike many folks, I was not looking for a balance transfer. I did not get any credit card in college so this was essentially my first card. My score was only 630 so I was quite surprised to actually get approved. The limit started out at $500.
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Posted 08/16 2015
This is one of the most deceptive ads and cards. They advertise 0% for 15 months and no BT fees. When I applied, I put down that I wanted to transfer $5000. I got a $500 limit instead. So I essentially wasted a hard pull on a card that I will not use and does not serve any purpose. It seems like you need really great credit to get the BT deal. My score was 690 and I have cards with $4000 limits so $5000 was not a pie in the sky thing. Unless you have really great credit, I would stay clear of this card.
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Posted 07/11 2015
My score was about 687 on TU when I got this card. I requested a $3000 BT but was given $2000. I set up my autopay so that the transfer will be paid off within the introductory period. Since then, I have been using this card and my score is now in the mid 700s. I will be getting a couple of rewards cards soon since this card has no rewards at all. Right now, I am leaning towards a chase freedom.
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Posted 07/05 2015
I applied for this card mainly for the 0% 12 month deal. Thought I might transfer some balances over to save some money. Got the email confirm that it was for 6 months. When the card arrived, the docs said it was for 3 months. To add insult, the CL was a puny $2000 (hardly worth transferring anything since the savings would be negligible). Stay clear of Chase.
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Posted 04/22 2015
Got 15k CL with a mid 700 score. Use the card mainly for my business. I am pretty happy with it though I did not take advantage of their BT deal.
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Posted 02/13 2015
Got this card with a $7000 CL. Transferred over $2000 to take advantage of the 0% offer. After paying it off, I used it as a regular card. And I always PIF after I had paid down the BT balance. I decided to apply for the Chase Freedom since I was not earning any rewards at all. Got a $5000 CL on that card and asked to transfer $5000 from the slate to the freedom. Chase agreed so now I have much more lines on the Freedom than the Slate. The card is great for balance transfer. But other than that, you are better off getting a rewards card like the Freedom.
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Posted 01/06 2015
I got a score of over 750. Applied for this card to take advantage of the 0% BT deal and got approved for $1,000 (WTF Chase!!!). I have 3 other cards with a total CL of over $20k. Hence, this card is useless to me. I would never ever want to get a Chase card.
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Posted 12/13 2014
My credit score was in the low 700s when I applied for this card. 4 months prior, I got a card from Citi. I also have 3 other cards and my CL range from $5k to $8k. To my surprise, I only got a $1k CL from Chase. And I was initially attracted by the BT and no BT fees. Guess I could not do much with a $1k CL. Am disappointed with Chase to say the least.
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Posted 09/12 2014
Circumstances got my credit down to a very bad level. After a couple of years of paying my bills on time, I managed to get it to a decent level (mid 600). I got approved for the card and even a 0% balance transfer for 15 months. The CL was small so it was never worth doing any of that anyway. There are no rewards for this card but that was not why I applied for it.