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n/a after Bankruptcy
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Posted 04/20 2020
my credit score is 476% and my customer service experience is great i would like $ 5,000.00.
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Posted 05/14 2018
have had this card for 3 month,i like this card so far, no annual fees and reward program. it reports as secured card. hoping can upgrade to an unsecured after 12 month. I will let you know.
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Posted 05/01 2018
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Posted 02/05 2018
I have a US Bank checking and savings account and was looking at their secured credit card offerings on their website. This one stood out because it does not have any annual fee (unlike the generic US Bank secured visa). So I decided to apply for this. Got the usual have to wait message. After 3 days, I noticed $500 being taken out of my checking account and I assumed that I got approved. Card arrived a week and a half later. As far as my experience with the card goes, it's good so far.
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Posted 07/18 2017
I happen to own a Harley and when I was researching and looking for a secured credit card to rebuild my credit, I was surprised to find that Harley actually has a secured card issued through US Bank. And that it has no annual fee! I happened to have an account with US Bank and so I decided to apply. I got approved and the card was delivered within 10 days. Funds were actually withdrawn after a couple of days.
Couple of things to take note. US Bank reports as secured. They also said somewhere on their website that they will reviewed your account to see if you could be upgraded to an unsecured card. Well, after thirteen months, I was upgraded to Harley's unsecured credit card. My deposit was returned to the checking soon in a couple of days.
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Posted 05/24 2017
When after I applied and indicated that I wanted to deposit $300, I got the following message
"We are unable to make a decision about your application at the moement, we will send you a letter via USPS regarding our decision in 7-10 business days".
Then a couple of days later, $300 got taken out of my bank account. And I got the card about a week later. This card is mainly used to rebuild my credit. But the points are useful as I can offset some expenses at the dealer for parts.
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Posted 02/26 2017
I have had my US Bank HD secured for about 7 months now. I deposited $500 initially and nothing has changed since. Since I'm in a rebuilding mode, I try to limit my spending to $100 a month (which means you can't really earn a lot of points on a typical secured credit card deposit). I checked my credit report and USB does report this card as secured. I hope that I can graduate after 12 months. Could anyone share any graduation experience here?
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Posted 10/22 2016
Lost my job and credit score tanked. In the process of rebuilding, I decided secured credit card is the way to go and I was surprised that HD had a secured card through US Bank. I decided to go for it since I had a Harley and also because there was no annual fee. I deposited $700 since I know that I was going to put about $250 on the card a month and wanted a decent utilization ratio. You don't earn much points spending $250 a month but they add up slowly. I have not graduated yet so we'll see how that goes after a year or so.
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Posted 05/05 2016
Just wanted to share my experience of how I graduated from the HD secured. I actually went online to the website and asked about graduation. I received the following reply.
"We understand, (me), you are inquiring about how you may upgrade to an unsecured account. We would be happy to assist. When you would like to have your account considered for an upgrade to an unsecured account, please contact our twenty-four-hour Cardmember Service Department at 800-699-2281. A representative would be happy to assist you in submitting your request. If the upgrade request is approved, you will receive your new card within seven to ten business days of the request date. You will also receive a check for the secured deposit, plus any interest, within ten to fourteen business days.
You are a valued cardmember and we appreciate the opportunity to be of assistance. Have a good day. '
I called the number and was on the line for about 10 minutes. Then I got the good news. I had graduated and will get the unsecured card for the same limit. My deposit was returned within a week.
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Posted 01/17 2016
I have to thank US Bank and HD for helping me rebuild me credit. My EQ score was about 578 when I applied. After 15 months, my score was at 650. My "FAKO creditkarma" showed a 100 points increase!!!!
A few things to note. 1) They report as secured but they report to all three bureaus. 2) I called them up asking to graduate and was actually approved. Took about 8 minutes on the phone but everything worked out. They gave me a check for my deposit and interest.
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Posted 10/16 2015
I like this card. No annual and you earn some HD points. So far everything has been working out and I would given this a 5-star if not for a couple of things. Firstly, I experienced a couple of longer than usual payment hold (can't figure out why). They also report as secured. Otherwise, I can't complain about this card. It's pretty ok.
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Posted 08/22 2015
I was looking at USB secured cards on their website and realized that this one had no annual fee. I got the usual wait for 10 day message but finally got approved. Here are my thoughts on what I like about the card and what I do not.
1. Earn HD rewards
2. My deposit actually earns interest. I am surprised to find that so many secured card deposits do not earn interest
3. The website and autopay works without any problems
4. You can graduate to unsecured HD card - I graduated after 15 months.
Do not like
1. reports as secured.
Since you need 2500 points to redeem for a $25 HD gift card, my suggestion is that you try to put $200 of spending on the card so you can at least at something after close to a year. But it probably means you have to put a higher deposit to keep your utilization low.
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Posted 04/26 2015
After doing quite a bit of research, I found out that there are a few cards that had no annual fee. The HD secured, Capital One and Discover. I applied for all three and was approved. My experiences with all have been great, no real big issues. Capital One is the only one out of the bunch that has given me a credit line increase of $300. It has been 10 months and my score has increased about 90 points (TU). Once I reach one year or slightly over that, I expect to graduate. We will see what happens.
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Posted 10/14 2014
Surprised that HD has a secured card. I could only put in a $300 limit and since you need 2500 points to get the baseline $25 HD gift card, I am going to need this card for more than a year. It is no annual fee and so it is a great plus. I checked all my credit reports after my first billing statement and they reported to all three but as secured. Online payment was easy through their website and I have set up autopay.